Party: Ilidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Rasutar, Killean
XP: TBD - Complete Silverton
Safety Violations

Short Synopsis

Rasutar and Kelderrin persuades a dwarf to let them pass deeper into the mine. The group sneaks down to the lower level.

Below, they see a massive mechanical construct moving rocks while it is being supervised by a dwarf. When Kelderrin casts a *sleep* spell and knocks out the dwarf, the construct attacks him.

The party battles the construct, and they reveal that it is controlled by two dwarves. They kill one dwarf, but interrogate the other dwarf. The party finds and inn and gets a long rest.

Long Synopsis

Illidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Killian and Rasutar see a dwarf night-shift laborer standing in a chamber with several non-unionized constructs. Rasutar and Kelderrin walk up to the dwarf. The gnome cleric explains that he is a government auditor from Daggerford and demands to know who is responsible for the mine being behind the production schedule. The dwarf laborer suggests that they talk to the shift supervisor below. Rasutar notes that there are piles of acanthite and argentite on the ground. Kelderrin distracts the laborer with a temporarily conjured diamond while the rest of the party sneaks below. He follows quickly after them.

At the lower level, the party sees a dwarf shift supervisor directing a large low-emission construct to dig and move rocks. Kelderrin casts a *sleep* spell to get the supervisor to sleep on the job. Unfortunately, the construct reacts poorly to this worksite misconduct and attacks Kelderrin with a leaping attack. From their hidden positions, Illidan and Jax attack the construct. Killean runs over to the sleeping supervisor and ties him up. Meanwhile, Rasutar runs towards one of the two buildings at the far side of the building. Kelderrin casts *haste* and escapes from the giant construct.

The construct turns its attention to the other unauthorized persons at the worksite. It jumps towards Killean, Rasutar and Illidan. Jax’s causes a workplace accident by misfiring an arrow at Rasutar. Then, he creates at OSHA violation by opening up a sealed door that releases a poisonous gas. Enraged at the constant workplace violations, the construct shoots a fist at Illidan.

Killean and Illidan climb onto the construct and open a hatch to find two dwarves operating the construct. They see one of the operators push and pull a series of levers and buttons. Killean tries to reverse the actions. The drows terminate the dwarf that had made the series of actions. Kelderrin asks the remaining dwarf for on-the-job training to show him how to operate and control the construct. The dwarf explains that the last series of actions would result in self-destruction if done three times in succession. After seeing all these safety violations, the dwarf resigns and cooperates with the party.

The party interrogates the dwarf and discover that the construct requires attunement and causes its drivers to go mad with violence. In addition, the dwarf explains that Emberforge is in the tower and has the operating manual for the construct. From what he understands, Duncan Shrike and Emberforge are collaborating on the manufacture of this construct. The party takes the dwarf for some after-work at an inn in town. They drink and take a long rest.