Party: Endrin, Triple J, Eris, Nyx, Malcolm, Fir
XP: (Milestone)

FCG rocketed through the darkness for nearly three days straight, affixed to the end of a gargantuan purple worm. As the hour of battle drew near, the party’s demeanor grew solemn and contemplative. The worm took a violent turn upwards and burst forth through into the rainy Nogvurot morning. FCG disembarked from their transport and took in the calamity unfolding in the city streets around them. The cries of battle filled the air, followed closely by the trembling ground as massive flaming boulders rained upon the city. War had come to Nogvurot.

The shouts of nearby Righteous Brand soldiers refocused FCG’s attention, and the party braced for combat. Arrows flew across muddy streets as the Righteous Brand engaged the party. The purple worm that FCG had rode in on lingered behind and dispatched many of the Empire’s finest with its venomous maw and stinger. Triple J flaunted his new powers, terrifying his enemies as well as a few of his allies with his dark eldritch juggling and head twisting antics. Endrin used the Dynasty’s signature magic against the Righteous Brand, crushing them with dunamantic might. Nyx exchanged vollies with the surrounding archers, while Fir provided the party with cover via a large fog cloud. Malcolm engaged the forces of the Empire with his usual vigor, but quickly took pause as he found himself face to face with one of his old comrades. Malcolm’s former brother in arms found his resolve wavering, and fled into the city. Eris dealt the final blow in the initial confrontation, mercifully knocking out the last surviving soldier.

Fir quickly rejuvenated the group, but there was little time to take a breath. Lendis and her group came sprinting around the corner, clearly bloodied and battered a bit in their own right. Lendis pointed out to FCG that the battle plan had already gone awry, noting the gray-blue glow of daylight in the sky above them. Lendis informed the party that she had been given a backup nightfall pearl, a device the Kryn use to create night wherever they travel. Lendis pleaded with the party to help her establish the nightfall pearl, for the battle would surely be lost if the Kryn’s drow forces were forced to fight in daylight. FCG obliged and quickly identified a nearby bell tower as the best spot to fortify and defend while Lendis began the ritual to establish the nightfall pearl.

The party, now ten in number, dashed to and up to the top of the bell tower where Lendis began focusing on the pearl. Surveying the surroundings, Malcolm took in the horde of Kryn warriors and siege monsters doing battle with the Righteous Brand along with a plethora of other automated defenses outside the city’s walls. The fighter’s keen eyes also spotted a flock of griffon riders quickly bearing down on the party’s location. El, Cylan, and Brett Miller aided the party in defending Lendis from the airborne attack. Endrin sent riders plummeting to their death with bouts of gravity while Triple J confused some of the griffons and Fir called lightning down upon them. Malcolm and Eris identified the Cerberus Assembly mage amongst the riders. Malcolm took a running start and lept from the tower, catching his blade in the mage’s griffon. The mage quickly found herself surrounded as Eris summoned forth her divine wings and flanked the mage alongside Malcolm. FCG braced themselves as the griffon riders circled around for another attack on the tower…